footprints in my life...

detailing one day in the life of Anne

My Photo

"In Christ alone, I place my trust and find my glory in the power of the cross. And every victory, let it be said of me. My source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone." --- M. English

Friday, July 28, 2006

Cap These...

I feel like taking advantage of my friends, hehehe... Well, since I practically bring a camera all the time, I managed to capture some of the moments of my adventure in Singapore. And this time, before I even upload the results to my friends, I'm blogging them first, hehehe... Copyrighted by me, of some sorts.

My camera is like my second handphone now, can't leave home without it (sounds like some credit card slogan, hehehe). And since I don't have the patience of doing paper scrapbooking (and way too expensive too), I might as well use this blogging facility as my scrapbook.

Yesterday my friends and I went to jog at Labrador Park near Harborfront. Yihong asked us to hang out and do the sport with her. Me, not much of a runner, I just walked. In our little healthy attempt trip, of course I managed to snap some precious moments.

Dee and Yihong running with action. Yihong actually want to audition for "rap" video, hehehe...

You'd think that a road kill would be furrier and plumpier, not flat with fins...

The culprit was caught in the act. Andrea was actually proud of her feat. And she managed to run over the poor thing with bicycle? Things that makes you go hmmm...

Holy mackerel, is that a bird, is that a plane? NO! It's Wonderwoman with her catch du jour :P

Jay was pretending himself in the next F4 music video, copying airplane movement, hehehe.

The participants of the night. Aren't we just goodlooking people?

The part of our favorite pastimes... FOOD! One of these days, I shall blog all of our consumptions. We're so richly blessed! *Note to self: Please count calories later*

Awwww... aren't they cute together? Phileo love... BROTHERS, k? Hehehe...

Read this on the news today... Interesting! Hehehehe

Some sweet spot that we found, that may be fitting for taking wedding pictures. Well, blame it on both Andrea and I for hunting the nice view for a photoshoot and saw that the seaview was cluttered by cargoship. So romantic, right? Unless you're some Leonardo DiCaprio wannabee with some ship identity issues, hehehe.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

That's what friends are for

Yesterday was fun fun fun. All the losing streak that we suffered couldn't even doused my frivolity. But that was later on the day. Let's count the moments...

Lunch @ Yishun

To tell you the truth, I was kinda worried at the beginning of the day. Things were not so smooth at home, so I hope that my mood wouldn't cast a gloomy forecast while I'm playing host. I'm trying to be the mediator of several friends that belongs to two different world. Doesn't mean that's just because some are from different countries, but I think different exposure to the atmosphere are also a matter that need to be considered. I told my Singaporean friends that Indonesian kids tend to flock together, and in that case, I'm the odd duck. It's just sometimes we're a bit, shall we say, exclusive. So I was kind of worried that one side or both sides of my friends refused to meet me, just because they don't want to bother to get to know the other group. Although they might say yes one moment, the thought of last minute cancellation sometimes plagued me. To my joy, my friends... one by one appeared at Yishun MRT.

It turns out my Indonesian friend, Yan, was quite friendly and very much... talkative. I was afraid that he would be a bit closed up toward new people, like he did awhile back when I first met him. Well, this time he's the opposite of that moment. He was en route from Shanghai to Indonesia, transit in Singapore for 3 days. He jovially shared his fun experiences while living and studying Chinese in Shanghai; from witnessing people turned into a living 'satay' in China's public train to unshaven Chinese women with their 'you-can-see' shirts (it's a tank top, but Yan has a way to call that certain piece of clothing). Well, he's living to his reputation as being the center of attention... per-usual. Truthfully I felt bad for my other Indonesian friend, Jeffry, who didn't get to say much of anything.

On the other hand, I want to say kudos to my caregroup friends, who made them feel welcome. I urged Dee to start speaking Chinese to Yan, to test his new ability in speaking Chinese. We laughed a lot in that small Yishun hawker stall. There were not a lot of choices in food, but the company was good. I just enjoyed the moment and savored all the laughters. I made an addendum comment to Jay later on... I'm 'envious' toward Yan... In a way, he's the typical tall, goodlooking and charming guy. People are taken by him as soon as they get to know him, doesn't matter boys or girls. He's one cheerful, spreading-joy-to-everybody kind of guy. I am learning from anybody and everybody around me. Take all the positive things and remember to actually execute it.

Mihai, Jeffry, Yihong, Anne, Yan (the tall one), Dee and Jay in front of some bulletin board in Yishun Station

The game of "How Low Can You Go"

Nope. It's not a limbo game, hawaiian style... The later part of the day was spent mostly in Orchid Country Club, where I was trying to prove time again that I'm a very capable Bowler... to srike a consistent zeros most of the time. I was representing our caregroup, with Jay, Dee, and Mihai. Shall I say, I was using Yihong's name in vain, since she asked me to play instead of herself. So her name may be up there on the score board, but my sorry ass was the one rolling the ball to whichever directions. That took efforts you know. At least I got a chance to practice my right biceps a bit. Just hope it wouldn't turn up to look like Popeye's with the way I was handling the ball all the time. "Anne! It's not a dumb-bell." Duh...

The place was crowded with who's who from the church, from our charismatic Unit Leader, Elaine to ... well, whoever else with familiar faces, hehehe. (Can't you tell that I'm still quite new in this church?). Unfortunately my 'iron-pumping' efforts ended in the first round. Not that I'm complaining.

While I tried my darndest to roll the bowling ball, Yihong was having a good time with my camera and actually caught several interesting photos such as these proud 'papa' wannabees... Please return the kids to the rightful parents, boys... hehehe. Well, actually Jay's was caught by me, but I just put these pics side by side... cause it's just fun, hehehe.

Papa Jon and Papa Jay

After the fun fare at Orchid Ball... we were being dropped off by Jon's friends to Yishun MRT in his nifty yellow car... (can't re-call the make of the car, hehehe, but it's very yellow... compact car). From Yishun bus stop, Mihai, Yihong and I took the free bus tour to IKEA and then sumptuous dinner at some hawker place close to it.

I would like to thank all of my friends for participating in this fun day event. You all ROCKS!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th of July

If Christmas has its cozy Chestnuts song, the memory of celebrations for Fourth of July mostly brought some growling to my stomach. The memories of barbecue grilled in my open backyard, from steak to California Honey BBQ ribs!!! Oooh the sweet aroma *drool* Got baked potato, fries, rice pilaf, coleslaw... Oh the many pounds and calories that I have since lost, hehehe. Life was sweet.

And then the fireworks! I kinda disappointed with myself for never visited the Waterfront when all the hullabaloo was happening. In all my 14 years in Portland, I was always being content watching it through the comfort of my family-room's TV. Well, I was not too keen on being in the middle of suffocating crowds, with the mix of light-weight booze and crying babies. My neighbor sometimes also provided us with fireworks of their own, so being cheapskates, we just pulled our folded camp chairs and enjoyed the festivities on a clear July night and had a full tummy complete with grand time with family members.

Sigh... This fourth of July I just reminisce about the place I once called home. Just like the songs played many moons ago amidst the crowds... GOD BLESS THE USA!