Little jumping bean
Yesterday I went to my first OSCAR test for baby #2 (we haven't really decide on a name, yet, although I have a candidate). I went with my mom. After a long wait, it's my turn to be ultra scanned. We caught the baby on its playing time. It was doing jumping motions, as though playing jump rope with its placenta. It was a cute sight. But that meant I have to walk around and wait for another 20 minutes (plus 40 minutes queue) and drank a glass of water. My bladder wasn't empty to begin with. After about 20+ minutes waddling, I asked the nurse if I can get get scanned, since my bladder wasn't co-operating. Well, my paperwork was buried inside the list of other names who probably doesn't need to pee. And yes, they didn't, they were waiting for their first scan. Some system this is. After pleading several times, the nurses moved my queue. On the second try, the doctor asked if I could hold it a little while longer. I said, most definitely no. And she said we have to plead with the baby to work with us. And soon, my baby turned. Although it only about 6 cm in length, you can see its perfect little hand and fingers waving on camera. It's just a little miracle.