footprints in my life...

detailing one day in the life of Anne

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"In Christ alone, I place my trust and find my glory in the power of the cross. And every victory, let it be said of me. My source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone." --- M. English

Thursday, November 08, 2007

1 Kool Kat

This blog is me exercising my simple gift of affirmation to my husband, Jon.

Once in awhile I would drop some message to Jon and vice versa. So this one time I was in the middle of some annoying stress time and I refuse to be sucked into this ridiculous manmade madness, hence I dropped Jon a simple love note. Just thanking him for being a wonderful husband. I sent him a Dayspring e-card... And then he replied me with another note.

Now I don't know if you know that I like cats. Jon doesn't. He always teased me by saying (and sometime goofing) some rude treatment towards the cats, whenever we saw one or when we're watching Animal planet.

So what made the e-card really special was that it featured 2 cartoon cats, sit on a picket fence; their backs are facing us. And the message: "Loving you is what I like to do" plus Philemon 1: 7a (NIV). The Ginger male cat was leaning to a smaller white cat and his tail was swaying as though comforting. The picture and the message were simple, but they really touched my heart. I was having a "Chesire" cat smile and warmth creeped into my heart. He adopted my love for cats, even for that moment, and really made my day. It's like he was hugging me the way the ginger cat was curling up to the white cat. Too bad I can't cut and paste the picture, and I took the picture using my camera phone, but so far, I still struggle to upload it to my computer. One of these days I will update this blog again with the picture.

I thanked Jon personally for that special e-card. Although he thought nothing about it, but he made an effort to find that cat e-card for me. But he did ask me if I read the e-card, though. I found the e-card a day later than his sending date.

But the point is just remember to let your loved ones know how much they're loved in whichever way you can, you never know how much that will brightens someone's day.


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